How virtual is helping to close the loss of engagement gap?


Virtual solutions to close the gap!

Business leaders are looking toward virtual interactions to close the loss of engagement gap that has occurred due to Covid-19 and contact restrictions. Now that more employees are working remotely from home and businesses are looking for actionable contactless engagements with their customers they are turning to innovation during these times.

So how is virtual going to close this gap? There are many layers of effective virtual interactions that are being used right now, from video conferencing, augmented reality product visualization, and 3D virtual reality events. Depending on the pain point one or many solutions are needed to make sure everyone is being reached and you are measuring feedback accordingly.

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Products like Xureal are layering all of the panes of virtual glass to create cohesive and seamless experiences for all types of engagements. The focus is secure, scalable, and accessible technology made specifically for engagement.

Employee Engagement

Keeping employees engaged and motivated has always been challenging, but now more than ever connecting and building brand love with your teams and employees is extremely important. Most companies are still trying to figure out the best way to create and monitor engagement and at the same time make sure it’s impactful.

Connecting with individuals or gathering teams has turned out to be very one dimensional for most business. Most are using video conferencing to gather, collaborate, and share important business objectives which most often does not translate as well. LMS for training and development has also become disconnected and more of a task for employees to accomplish.

Increasing engagement and loyalty while making sure employees come back is the reason for Xureal’s employee engagement solution. It integrates several disciplines to apply and increase employee engagement through gamification, help with training, team events, and creates a virtual environment that everyone can gather and collaborate.

Customer Engagement

Most industries and businesses are looking for innovative ways to leverage technology and keep their customers engaged. How do you keep customers up on your new products? How do you keep them loyal to your brand? How do you reward them for being a loyal customer?

Stores are now virtual, products are augmented and loyalty rewards are instant. Virtual customer engagement has surpassed websites with chat functions and are now entire interactive environments with real-time engagement. Brands and businesses alike are learning to engage audiences to come shop, explore, purchase, and redeem rewards on virtual environments that are accessible on desktop and mobile devices.

Close the gap with augmented and virtual reality solutions to show off new products, increase sales with gamification to provide loyal and new customers with chances to save or purchase exclusive content. Some brands are sending push notifications to exclusive virtual content that allows customers to virtually try new products.

The Takeaway

Virtual is not a replacement for real-life engagement but instead should be seen as a complement to future in-person interactions. They should seamlessly integrate with marketing efforts to offer customers an elevated experience or create hybrid connections to engage with employees and in-person events.

The engagement gap is expanding and the need for businesses to use a scalable virtual engagement solution is evident. Find one that reflects your business objectives and provides an all-inclusive or open platform.

View Xureal technology for custom virtual engagement solutions using augmented and virtual reality, video conferencing, gamification, and more.

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At Elevux we strive to elevate humans to their highest potential through brilliant design & integrated experiences. Creating unforgettable AR/VR/XR experiences!