Applying Gamification to Increase Engagement.

Ready Player Everyone!

3 min readNov 18, 2020

Simply put gamification is adding gameplay mechanics into a non-game environment, like a website, virtual environment, learning management system to increase participation. The goal of gamification is to engage with your audience to collaborate, share, and interact. Businesses then provide audiences with directives and feedback through gameplay mechanics and game dynamics that lead to the accomplishments of business goals and objectives.

A captive gamification experience taps into a player’s emotions and easily demonstrates the best activities an audience can complete that make an impact on mutually shared goals. As employees or customers interact with an experience, they receive immediate feedback on performance and guided the next steps towards new achievements.

Gamification is 75% Psychology and 25% Technology — Gabe Zichermann

High Score. The value of gamification!

Gamification is all about driving engagement to influence business results. When people participate and engage with your gamification initiative, they learn the best way to interact with your business, your products, your services, and ultimately your brand.

The business value of gamification doesn’t end with the players. Engagement provides insightful data that can help influence marketing campaigns, platform utilization, and performance goals. Every employee or customer interaction gives specific data of where a participant is spending their time and what activities drive the most interest.

An employee engagement solution.

Gamification is the strategy for influencing and motivating the behavior of people, which also includes employees. Gamification in the workplace can increase employee engagement to drive increased performance, development, and skillsets.

Gamification can make an employee’s job more transparent by making goals clear and easy to follow. An employee can see progress on performance, receive immediate feedback on accomplishments, and connect with co-workers through collaboration and competition.

It’s all in the data.

Everything is data-driven, businesses can monitor the performance and engagement of gamification initiatives for all of their audiences. It’s critical to utilize a platform with analytics and dashboards that provide the metrics and insights needed to capture relevant data and put the strategic insights into action.

The Takeaway

Everyone likes to win and gamifiying an experience produces motivation to perform making players work harder to achieve optimal results. Gamification is not a new method of increasing engagement but new opportunities and applications for virtual game experiences have been created.

By bringing together game mechanics with virtual or augmented reality there are more immersive experiences being presented. This has created new interactions and methods for virtual engagement of products and services for training, development, and consumer sales.


To learn more about how to apply virtual gamification to your business contact us at or visit us at




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